Yes, that conference, now do you remember? :) Little old me, talking about the State of Cancer Care in 2014 at SXSW. I'll be totally terrified but whatever, I am surviving metastatic cancer, what could be scarier than that?
I will do this in partnership with Healthline. I'm very excited at the thought.
Unfortunately, I will only be able to do it one way, and that is if you vote that you would like to see me there.
Topics we will cover include:
What challenges do cancer patients face?
What role does patient empowerment play in improving cancer care and the cancer
What impact does digital innovation have on cancer care?
What are some of the digital innovations that are making a difference in cancer care and patient empowerment today?
What do we need to change to find a cure?
I am probably going to include a little pink hate and metastatic love in my topic.
To vote, you have to register. But never fear, SXSW promises that your sign-up information will remain completely confidential.
Start by going here:
Create your account.
They will send you a confirmation email. Once you click on confirm, you can vote for me here:
Click the thumbs up icon to the left and drop by and leave me a comment. Answer some of the above questions in the comments so I can include your viewpoint in my talk.
We are filming a new video next weekend to better explain the topic so they put that video of me discussing chemo side effects in as a placeholder. Pay it no never mind. :)
Vote!! Vote! Vote early, vote often and get me to Austin!