
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sad news

A few days ago, Kurt Lee, whom I'd written about here, here and in an op-ed in the Sacramento Bee, passed away.  It was announced on facebook, and I debated whether or not to put it in this blog.  Then I remembered that many people did go on the registry because of my post about him, and they may want to know what happened; my not wanting to say the words doesn't make it not be true.  It seems our stories overlapped a bit, and I feel tied into him.    Unfortunately, he got graft vs. host disease and his body couldn't overcome it.  It was shocking news, and I'm sick to think about it.

Cancer is a terrible beast and took one of our future's best and brightest.  Kurt handled every curveball thrown at him, and there were many, with grace and dignity.  I never doubted that next year, he'd be walking the halls of his high school, laughing with the other kids, participating in SciOly or whatever interested him.  My heart is incredibly sad for his family and their great loss.  I can't believe that kid who sat and played video games with my son is never going to do it again, and I can only imagine their tremendous grief.  I also can't believe I am still here, being treated, fighting for more time, when he is not.  He doesn't seem fair, even to me.

You don't know it, but you lost something too as this was a kind, decent young man who would have given more to the world than he took from it.

So, in his honor,  I hope that you will consider becoming a marrow donor, and be the giver that he didn't get the time to be.  Start by visiting the National Registry and signing up.

RIP Kurt.


Yesterday,  I had the fiducial placement in preparation for my radiation treatment. More about that later.


  1. I did become a donor because of your post about Kurt. I hope I can help prevent someone else from receiving this type of sad news someday.

    My condolences to Kurt's family and friends.


  2. I was in the hospital being treated for my own GVHD when I read this news. I blogged here: It's sad and scary and makes me want to live. Peace to his family and loved ones.

  3. I am so very sad for your son and anyone who knew Kurt. Words seem to fall short in expressing the grief of having such a promising light snuffed out. Wishing you peace. xoxo

  4. Terrible news for everyone who knew and loved Kurt. This disease follows no fair path and leaves in its wake so many people grieving for another life lost. Sending my love and thoughts to you, your family and of course the family of Kurt.

  5. I remember your posts about Kurt. I always thought he'd go on and thrive :-( Condolences and sympathy to you and your son and of course his loved ones. You all loved and will all miss him.

  6. Ann,
    I am SO SO SORRY to read this. Know that I am sending love your way and my deepest sympathy to Kurt's family and loved ones.. and to you and your baby boy, too.

    MUCH love


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