
Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Plan for Monday

1. Call my insurance company to explain my phantom hospitalization and make sure I'm not billed - and they aren't either.

2. While I'm on the phone with them, I'm going to request a referral for a second opinion from another plastic surgeon. I think this guy might be good. He trained at Moffitt Cancer Center and has done many breast reconstructions.

3. Wait for call by Dr. S. Depending on what he says to me, either fire him or put him on reserve pending the second opinion. I am guessing he won't even call but we'll see.

All hope for a surgery-free summer is now gone.

I'm extremely disappointed.


  1. You have every reason to be super disappointed. I wish I could help you somehow! This really sucks.

    Dr. Lee looks pretty good!

  2. Good plan. Sucks, though, that you had to come up with one. Would that it could've simply worked out as it was supposed to.

  3. I am so sorry for your disappointment. Wonderful plan for Monday! If how this Dr. has treated you so far is any indication - better he didn't do the surgery! You deserve so much more. Take care.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry to hear your news ... cancer is crap without having deal with these massive hassles. Hopefully everything will be sorted before your one year "canniversary".



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